Andrew Cole's Place

LeeVining Canyon - Tioga Pass Road

The Tioga Pass Road was originally built by Chinese coolies using picks, shovels and wheel barrows to access mining properties. It has been modernize but still offers spectacular views.

Lee Vining Canyon Map
Waterfalls below Ellery Lake in Lee Vining Canyon
Waterfalls below Ellery Lake in Lee Vining Canyon
Cascades below Ellery Lake
Cascades below Ellery Lake
Waterfall along Tioga Pass Road in Lee Vining Canyon
Waterfall along Tioga Pass Road in Lee Vining Canyon
Looking into deep Lee Vining Canyon from Tioga Pass Road
Looking into deep Lee Vining Canyon from Tioga Pass Road
Cascading Lee Vining Creek from Tioga Pass Road
Cascading Lee Vining Creek from Tioga Pass Road
Looking into wild Lee Vining Canyon from Tioga Pass Road
Looking into wild Lee Vining Canyon from Tioga Pass Road
Looking into wild Lee Vining Canyon from Tioga Pass Road
Looking into wild Lee Vining Canyon from Tioga Pass Road
Nice view from the highway
Nice view from the highway
Nice view from the highway
Nice view from the highway